
2024 Course Prospectus


Keeping agency professionals up to date and growing is our focus. Therefore, we have developed and curated a variety of proven courses to ensure that they remain current and in the know.

Courses - Prospectus

Development Stages

We have developed courses suitable for all levels of experience and drawn on the expertise of industry leaders in New Zealand and around the world. 

0-2 years' industry experience.
3-5 years' industry experience.
6+ years' industry experience.

Current Courses

Foundations of Media and Advertising

IPA Digital Performance Essentials Certificate

IPA Effectiveness Essentials Certificate

Understanding Agency Finance

"On Point" Account Management

Managing People for the First Time

Understanding Unconscious Bias

The MAChINE Selling Ideas

Strategic Planning Lab

Senior Leadership Course

IPA Advanced Effectiveness

Speaker Series

Providing regular events and webinars with added value is one of the goals of the Commercial Communications Council.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to suggest a topic for a future speaker series or event.

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