Media Data

SMI Media Data

SMI’s results for May continue to underscore the NZ media market in transition, with total advertising demand back 6.3% to a market total of $89.9 million.

Key highlights are as follows:

  • Outdoor was the only major media to report higher ad spend, growing bookings      3.9% YOY
  • Digital showed a small decline of 0.9%
  • Within Digital we can see huge growth in ad spend to Video Sites (+40%) mostly due to a 52% YOY increase in direct bookings onto YouTube.
  • But Television was back 15.5% and Radio bookings were down 6.9%.
  • Growth categories this month included Food/ Produce/Dairy (+30.8% YOY),  Restaurants (+11.6% YOY) and Insurance (+48.1%).
  • But demand from Automotive Brand was weaker (-43% from its record level last year), Specialty Retailers was down 19.2% and Government spend fell 11.7%.
  • FYTD results show the market back 4.6%
  • And CYTD results show the ad market is down 6.1% with only Outdoor in positive territory (+1.6%)
  • This CYTD, the largest market impact has been the decline in the Government spend (-$8.6 million).

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SMI Trend - May 2024