2024 Participants Hub
2024 Participants Hub
In a world of over-supply and under-demand, strategy is essential to winning in the market place today. Demystify the word strategy and gain all the tools you need to plan effective strategic communications to add value to your clients’ business.
Taking on a new format in 2024 this interactive course provides a strong grounding in the core concepts that underpin effective strategic thinking in today’s communications market.
Led by Rupert Price, Chief Strategy Officer, DDB, the course draws on the vast array of industry specialists bringing the most up to date theory and practice to life in an inspiring learning environment.
1. Strategy is a frequent and possibly over used term in business today. But what does it really mean?
2. How does it guide business?
3. What does it mean in terms of communications and why is it so important to get it right?
1. How do strategists figure out where to start?
2. What is a good method and approach to get going?
3. What is market orientation and how does it help lay the groundwork for a great strategy?
1. What is the value of market research?
2. What can it tell you and when is the right time to use it?
3. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?
4. What other types of research are there?
1. What are they and where do you find them?
2. How do you know a good insight when you find one?
3. How do you know if it will inspire good work?
Check out who our speakers are for day one of Strategic Planning Lab 2024.
1. Diagnosing the business problem and defining what communications can do to help solve it. What are examples of really smart objectives and what are the different roles of communication?
2. How do you define the communications challenge and determine what type of communications to use?
The art of writing great creative briefs. Presentations from senior strategists on great briefs they’ve been involved in and their tips and tricks for writing great briefs.
A joint presentation between a Strategy leader and a Creative leader, to share their experience, how strategy informs creativity and where the two work really well together.
1. What is a great creative idea and how does strategy help you get there?
1. Having cracked the creative idea, how do take it to market?
2. How do you translate the role of communication into the communication principles and channel planning?
3. How does great media enhance great idea?
Check out who our speakers are for day two of Strategic Planning Lab 2024.
A presentation on all the ins and outs of digital and social strategy
1. What makes digital/social strategy the same?
2. What makes digital and social strategy different?
3. What are the ingredients of a great digital/social campaign?
1. How do you measure the effectiveness of a campaigns?
2. What are the different measures that can be used and where are they most appropriate?
3. Why is effectiveness important from a strategy point of view?
Please follow the link here to access your certificate for the 2024 Strategic Planning Lab.
Check out who our speakers are for day three of Strategic Planning Lab 2024.