
2024 Gold Winners

View the 2024 beacon awards gold winning entries.


Best Collaboration | PHD AotearoaTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Best Collaboration

Entry Title: The Adternship

Client: Foodstuffs NZ

Product: Retail

Brand: PAK’nSAVE   

Location: New Zealand

Agency: PHD Aotearoa



Best Communications Strategy | Spark FoundryTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Best Communications Strategy

Entry Title:  Flip Your Perspective

Client: Samsung Electronics New Zealand

Product: Household and domestic

Brand: Galaxy Z Flip5

Location: New Zealand

Agency: Spark Foundry



Best Use of Data | TogetherTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Best Use of Data

Entry Title: Turning Bad Data into Good Data

Client: Brightr

Product: Utilities and services

Brand: Brightr

Location: New Zealand

Agency: Together



Brightr Social 1  Brightr Social 2



Best Use of Technology | FCBTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Best Use of Technology

Entry Title: Investars

Product: Financial Services

Client: AMP

Location: New Zealand

Agency: FCB




Consumer Durable | TogetherTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Consumer Durable

Entry Title: Roof ID


Product: Roofing 


Location: New Zealand 

Agency: Together

Consumer Durables



Creative Media Idea | FCBTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Creative Media Idea

Entry Title: Investars

Product: Financial Services

Client: AMP

Location: New Zealand

Agency: FCB




Most Effective | Spark FoundryTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Most Effective

Entry Title:  Flip Your Perspective

Client: Samsung Electronics New Zealand

Product: Household and domestic

Brand: Galaxy Z Flip5

Location: New Zealand

Agency: Spark Foundry



Retail/Etail | PHD AotearoaTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Retail/Etail

Entry Title: The Adternship

Client: Foodstuffs NZ

Product: Retail

Brand: PAK’nSAVE   

Location: New Zealand

Agency: PHD Aotearoa



Inspiring Individual | MBMTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Inspiring Individual

Recipient: Charlotte Lobo

Agency: MBM

Insipring Individual



Sales Team of the Year | Go MediaTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Sales Team of the Year

Agency: Go Media Limited


Go Media - Sales Team of the Year



Media Business of the Year | NZMETeal chevron pointing down

Category: Media Business of the Year

Agency: NZME

NZME - Media Business of the Year



Media Agency of the Year | PHD AotearoaTeal chevron pointing down

Category: Media Agency of the Year

Agency: PHD Aotearoa

Media Agency of the Year - PHD